ELEMENTS are exchange-traded notes designed to track the return of a specific underlying market measure. After their initial offering, ELEMENTS can be bought and sold through a broker or financial advisor on a U.S. securities exchange.
Access to New Markets and Strategies
Portfolio Diversification
Price Transparency
Flexibility and Liquidity
No Principal Protection
Underlying Market Measure Risk
Concentrated Investment Risk
Issuer Risk
Call Risk
Restrictions on Repurchase by the Issuer
A Trading Market May Not Develop
ELEMENTS, index mutual funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs) all provide investors with exposure to the returns of various underlying market measures. However, ELEMENTS offer different features that may make them a more attractive investment vehicle to certain investors than index mutual funds and ETFs.
ELEMENTS are listed on a U.S. securities exchange and can be bought and sold under a designated ticker symbol during trading hours through a broker or financial advisor. ELEMENTS can be offered for repurchase by the issuer during some or all of the term of ELEMENTS, subject to certain requirements relating to a minimum number of units. A repurchase fee may apply. Please consult with a broker or financial advisor for more information.
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Securities Products: Are Not FDIC Insured
Are Not Bank Guaranteed
May Lose Value
In considering ELEMENTS as an investment, an investor should review the ELEMENTS prospectus for the particular offering and discuss the security with legal, tax and financial advisors before taking any action.In the event of any inconsistency between this website and the prospectus for a particular offering of ELEMENTS, you should rely on the prospectus in evaluating that offering. Please review
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